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What do cats eat

What do cats eat

Forms of cat food available in the market 

There are a variety of forms of cat food, and here are some of these types:

Dry food

  Dry food contains a lot of natural ingredients useful for cats' bodies from cereals and their derivatives, meat, dairy products and fiber.

  Dry food has been shown to be effective in maintaining healthy teeth and bones, and may be desirable to many people due to its low cost, and the low likelihood of spoilage compared to other foods.

  On the other hand, cats are mainly carnivorous, so the digestive system is not equipped to receive large amounts of fiber and starches found in such foods, it can cause diarrhea and dehydration.

Semi-wet food

In semi-moist food, meat and its derivatives are the main component of such food, and the mois ture content is approximately 50-60%, and it is also of average cost, and it can contain quantities of sugar or salt in larger quantities than dry food, and it also contains chemicals to preserve food and added colors.

 Canned food

In canned food, the humidity is about 70%,[4] It is the preferred type among cats, and the most expensive among other species, and this type is characterized by its diversity and the possibility of containing several varieties, and canned food is characterized by preserving food for larger periods than other species. This form of food can cause some gum disease in cats.

 Suitable food for cats

There are many types of food suitable for cats, which are easy to prepare and serve at home, including the following.

 Red meat

Cats naturally like to eat Red meat, which must be served to it cooked, either grilled, cooked, or boiled, alone or with sauce (meat broth), and may be added to it a little mashed potatoes to increase the percentage of potassium in her body, and to reduce the odors of urine emitted by her at home.


 Many people are keen to provide the liver to cats because they know how much cats love it; it is able to eat a large amount of cooked liver, in addition to that, it is an essential source of nutrition for the cat with essential vitamins and minerals.

 White meat

Chicken, rabbits, and fish, for example, chicken meat is the favorite food of the majority of cats, if it is served to them cooked, grilled or chopped, they enjoy eating it very much, and white meat is the source of supplying cats with the calcium necessary to build their body, as well as fish provides them with many nutrients such as phosphorus, proteins, and vitamins.


 It is a source of many vitamins such as vitamin A, K, C, and is rich in iron and calcium, and spinach works to protect the lining of the digestive system from damage caused by infections, but if the cat has problems in the urinary system, such as calcified stones in the bladder, you should avoid feeding it to him.


Eggs are a good source of protein andVitamin B, as it should be given to the cat cooked.


 Cantamel contains a high percentage of antioxidants, and it also contains beta-carotene, which helps maintain eye and skin health..


Bananas are high in potassium and soluble fiber, making them a healthy snack for cats.


Oats are an important source of energy and vitamin B.


Bread is a good source of protein and fiber, but care must be taken in the amount given, as it should be small so as not to cause diarrhea.


 Apples are high in fiber andVitamin C, which makes it a suitable food, taking into account the removal of the outer shell.


 Berries are a good source of vitamins A and C.


pea plant contains vitamin A, C, and fiber.

Food harmful to cats

 There are many foods that pose a risk to the health of cats, including.

Onion and garlic

 Giving cats foods containing onions and garlic is very dangerous because they contain sulfur compounds, which may cause the breakdown of red blood cells, leading to anemia.

Raw eggs

Be careful to cook eggs before serving them to anyone to ensure that they are free of salmonella bacteria, and egg whites contain avidin, which works to stop the absorption of vitamin B.

 Alcoholic beverages

 Alcoholic beverages cause many problems for cats, including alcohol poisoning that can ruin their lives.


 Caffeine increases the amount of urine, excites the nervous system, and speeds up the heartbeat, and chocolate is considered one of the harmful substances for cats because it contains caffeine and theobromine, which may cause the death of the cat.

Raw fats

 Meat and fish fats are one of the most harmful foods for cats because of the problems they may cause from vomiting, diarrhea and inflammation in the pancreas, as raw fats contain an infinite number of salmonella bacteria, so you should avoid offering them to cats, especially the skin.

Grapes and raisins

 Raisins are one of the harmful foods for cats due to the possibility of sudden kidney failure for cats, and the most important symptoms that may appear on the cat within 24 hours of eating grapes and raisins: diarrhea, lack of appetite, weakness, and lack of urination. 


is one of the substances harmful to cats because it contains xylitol (English: Xylitol), which can cause an increase in blood sugar, and a failure in liver function, and symptoms that may appear on cats are vomiting and lethargy.

Lactose-containing milk

Since a cat cannot break down and digest lactose when it reaches adulthood, consuming lactose-containing milk can cause diarrhea and, consequently, dehydration.


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